HCD Evaluation Criteria


To define the significance of a potential Heritage Conservation District, the City has established cultural heritage value and integrity criteria based on Ontario Regulation 9/06. For a district to communicate its historic sense of time and place it must have cultural heritage values that identify it as a significant heritage area and it must possess sufficient integrity to communicate those values.


√ The district has design value or physical value because it:

  • has a rare, unique, representative or early collection of a style, type, expression, material or construction method
  • has a rare, unique, or representative layout, plan, landscape, or spatial organization
  • displays a consistently high degree of overall craftsmanship, or artistic merit.


√ The district has historical value or associative value because it:

  • has direct associations with a theme, event, person, activity, organization or institution that is significant to a community
  • yields, or has the potential to yield, information that contributes to an understanding of the history of a community or area
  • demonstrates/reflects the work/ideas of a planner, architect, landscape architect, artist, builder, designer or theorist significant to a community.


√ The district has contextual value because it:

  • possesses a character that defines, maintains or supports the area’s history and sense of time and place
  • contains resources that are interrelated by design, history, use and/or setting, is defined by, planned around, or is a landmark.


√ The district has social value or community value because it:

  • yields information that contributes to the understanding of, supports, or maintains a community, culture or identity within the district
  • is historically and/or functionally linked to a cultural group, an organized movement or ideology that is significant to a community
  • plays a historic or ongoing role in the practice or recognition of religious, spiritual or sacred beliefs of a defined group of people that is significant to a community.


√ The district has natural value or scientific value because it:

  • has a rare, unique or representative collection of significant natural resources
  • represents, or is a result of, a significant technical or scientific achievement.


For information on how to apply the criteria, see Section 7.”Heritage Conservation Districts in Toronto: Procedures, Policies and Terms of Reference”  at  http://www1.toronto.ca/city_of_toronto/city_planning/urban_design/files/pdf/hcd_policies.pdf